Lead4pass C2010-825 Dumps Updated IBM C2010-825 Exam Training Material – Nov 2022

leads4pass C2010-825 dumps updated IBM C2010-825 exam training materials are important and must-have for successful C2010-825 exam passing.
leads4pass understands you, just updated the latest C2010-825 dumps https://www.leads4pass.com/c2010-825.html containing 60 new Q&A exam training materials, presented in both PDF and VCE formats, welcome to download.
Pass C2010-825 Exam Successfully With the Help of the New C2010-825 Training Materials
Free sample questions of C2010-825 free dumps are provided here.
Question 1:
A scrum master has defined an iteration plan and created several tasks for the plan. The assigned team
members are updating the tasks\’ attributes of Status, Estimate Correction, and Time Remaining in the work
item editors.
How do these updates affect the plan\’s Work Breakdown view?
A. The progress bars for each team member reflect the changes.
B. The view shows work items organized into columns based on status.
C. The tasks\’ ranks are updated automatically to reflect the updated attributes.
D. They don’t; the tasks must be modified in the plan editor to affect the plan.
Correct Answer: A
Question 2:
A manager would like to create a query to show closed work items for a team area in a project. Which query feature is used to select the team area at runtime?
A. Current Team
B. Attribute Groups
C. Condition Grouping
D. Parameter Variables
Correct Answer: C
Question 3:
A developer is working on source code changes and would like to test them using an existing build
The developer, however, does not want the testing to impact the overall build definition status or notify
subscribers. How can this be accomplished?
A. Request a personal build.
B. Restart the build engine in test mode.
C. Set the build result\’s type to Private.
D. Define a pruning policy on the build definition.
Correct Answer: A
Question 4:
An organization is defining how to structure the project area and has decided to exclude using team areas. Which scenario matches this decision?
A. Multiple timelines.
B. No process is required.
C. Small project with a few developers.
D. Restrict visibility to streams and components.
Correct Answer: C
Question 5:
A developer has created a repository workspace on the server and wants to be able to access the files
locally via installed tools such as editors and compilers.
What action must the developer take to accomplish this?
A. Take a baseline of the components.
B. Load the contents of the repository workspace.
C. Check out the files and save copies to the file system.
D. Modify the stream\’s flow target to match the repository workspace.
Correct Answer: A
Question 6:
An administrator wants to make sure that time remaining on work items in a plan view are consistent with
the estimate.
Which plan check ensures this?
A. Invalid Estimate Check
B. Planning Problems Check
C. Traditional Planning Check
D. Cross-Project Planning Problems Check
Correct Answer: B
Question 7:
A scrum master has defined which groups of people will work on different aspects of the project and has
requested assistance from an administrator to help organize the project accordingly.
Which of the following would the administrator configure to assist with this?
A. Releases related to Owners
B. Iterations related to Timelines
C. Streams related to Flow Targets
D. Work Item Categories related to Team Areas
Correct Answer: D
Question 8:
A user has a project with many build definitions and wants them to be easy to find. How can these be organized?
A. Create tags and apply them to appropriate build definitions.
B. Create labels and apply them to appropriate build definitions.
C. Create folders and move appropriate build definitions into the folders.
D. Create collections and add appropriate build definitions into the collections.
Correct Answer: B
Question 9:
A developer working in the RTC Eclipse client has checked their changes and found that another
developer\’s incoming change set has affected the same file. The developer attempted to Auto Resolve the
conflict, but was unsuccessful. Which of the following would cause this to occur?
A. The incoming change set appended new lines to the file.
B. The developer\’s change set included changes to multiple files.
C. Both change sets contained changes to the same line in the file.
D. Work items related to the change sets affect the same component.
Correct Answer: A
Question 10:
What is the source of the data to create metric-based reports?
B. CCM Database
C. Data Warehouse
D. Data Collection Component Database
Correct Answer: B
Question 11:
An administrator has created a new type of work item with its own unique workflow. When the users begin to use this new work item type, the available states and actions are not from the expected workflow. How can the administrator correct this?
A. Compile the workflow source.
B. Deploy the new work item type.
C. Bind the workflow to the work item type.
D. Publish the workflow for the work item type.
Correct Answer: C
Question 12:
An administrator wants to create a new plan view that shows the parent-child relationships of work items. Which plan view display allows this?
A. flat
B. tree
C. kanban
D. taskboard
Correct Answer: A
Question 13:
A user would like to be kept informed of changes that occur on a particular work item. How can the user accomplish this?
A. Subscribe to the work item.
B. Use a data warehouse report.
C. Review the Open Work Items widget.
D. Link the work item to a planning item.
Correct Answer: A
Question 14:
Management has requested that two RTC evaluation servers and two RTC departmental servers be
deployed. Each RTC server will have a firewall blocking access to jazz.net and requires different installation
packages. What is the correct installation option?
A. use the Web Installer
B. use Enterprise Platform Installer
C. use IBM Installation Manager Repositories
D. use plain .zip files for the JTS and CCM Application
Correct Answer: C
Question 15:
A developer using the RTC Eclipse client is viewing the history of a component. The developer would like
to understand which source files were included in one of the change sets.
How could the developer accomplish this?
A. Review the Change Summary for the change set.
B. Locate change sets that affected the component.
C. View the change set\’s Open Related work items.
D. Export the history with the Include File Details option.
Correct Answer: A
The leads4pass C2010-825 dumps are the ideal C2010-825 exam training material to pass the IBM C2010-825 exam easily using the latest C2010-825 dumps https://www.leads4pass.com/c2010-825.html (PDF+VCE).
Also, remember to practice your C2010-825 exam questions. This is important for a smooth passage.