Lead4pass C2010-555 Dumps Updated IBM C2010-555 Exam Training Material – Nov 2022

leads4pass C2010-555 dumps updated IBM C2010-555 exam training materials are important and must-have for successful C2010-555 exam passing.
leads4pass understands you, just updated the latest C2010-555 dumps https://www.leads4pass.com/c2010-555.html containing 144 new Q&A exam training materials, presented in both PDF and VCE formats, welcome to download.
100% real C2010-555 certification exam questions and answers free
The following questions and answers are from the latest C2010-555 free dumps.
Question 1:
A dispatcher needs to know the available staff for any given day. Laborers must track vacation time for the dispatcher to use.
Where can this be done?
A. Define Person Availability in the People application
B. Modify Person Availability in the People application
C. Define Person Availability in the Calendars application
D. Modify Person Availability in the Calendars application
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/IBM%20Maximo %20Asset%20Management/page/Using%20WO%20Ticket%20calendars%20in%20SLAs%20to%20set% 20target%20dates%20in% 20tickets
Question 2:
A company has a requirement to report on actual labor hours, materials, services, and tools used as work progress on a work order.
What is the earliest point in the basic life cycle a user can start reporting?
Correct Answer: A
Reference: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21683844
Question 3:
A vendor requires a payment of 20% of the purchase price when the purchase order (PO) is sent and the company wants to withhold of the payment until 90 days after receiving the item before the final payment is made.
How would this be accomplished?
A. A Purchase Requisition would be created and three invoices would be generated via the invoicing application. One invoice for 20%, one for 60%, and one for 20%.
B. A Price Contract would be created with a payment schedule with an invoice of 20% at the time the PO is Approved, an invoice of 60% at the time the item is received, and another invoice for 20% 90 days after receipt.
C. A Blanket Contract would be created with a payment schedule with an invoice of 20% at the time the PO is Approved, an invoice of 60% at the time the item is received, and another invoice for 20% 90 days after receipt.
D. A Purchase Contract would be created with a payment schedule with an invoice of 20% at the time the PO is Approved, an invoice of 60% at the time the item is received, and another invoice for 20% 90 days after receipt.
Correct Answer: D
Question 4:
A company wishes to group its location records into a hierarchy to assist users in searching for assets. How can this be accomplished?
A. Location Groups can be created and LIVE locations added.
B. Locations can be linked by using the Related Records tab in the Locations application.
C. Location records will need to be added to a network and can only include locations with an ACTIVE status.
D. Location records need to be added to a system and can only include locations with an OPERATING type.
Correct Answer: D
Question 5:
A company has assets at multiple locations that require maintenance. There is a requirement to have a single work order with charges rolled up to a single GL account.
How can that be achieved?
A. Create a task work order for each asset.
B. Create a child work order for each asset.
C. Add a job plan that has the assets associated.
D. Add the assets in Multiple Assets, Locations, and Cls.
Correct Answer: B
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/files/basic/anonymous/api/library/41abc2d2e1ec-4709-8b27-4937d78f9909/document/ec94eee2-7378-4241-a9c2-62499183955a/media
Question 6:
An administrator has a requirement to create 44 new assets that each share a common configuration. Which application can do this with a single action?
A. Assets
B. Item Master
C. Classifications
D. Asset Templates
Correct Answer: D
Reference: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSWK4A_7.5.0/com.ibm.mame.doc/ c_essentials_oview.html
Question 7:
A user belongs to two non-independent security groups, Group A and Group B. Group A has a purchasing limit of $7000 and Group B has a purchasing limit of $8000.
What is the purchasing limit of a user who belongs to both security groups?
A. $7000
B. $8000
C. $15000
D. $56000
Correct Answer: B
Question 8:
What costing method should be used if the receipt cost of items that are the newest in stock is required?
C. Average
D. Standard
Correct Answer: A
Reference: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSLKT6_7.5.0/com.ibm.mam.doc/glossary/ glossary.html
Question 9:
Which report option provides multiple access points for an end user to run reports including the toolbar shortcuts of Browser View, Direct Print, Direct Print with Attachments, and direct access from application dialogs including Work Order Status Change and Inventory Reorder?
C. Cognos
D. SQL Server
Correct Answer: B
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/IBM%20Maximo %20Asset%20Management/page/BIRT%20Reporting
Question 10:
An approved work order has been assigned an incorrect job plan.
How do you correct this?
A. Change the Job Plan Revision to the correct revision.
B. Clear the Job Plan field and enter the correct job plan.
C. Create a Follow-up work order with the correct job plan.
D. Select Remove Work Plan from the More Actions menu and enter the correct job plan.
Correct Answer: D
Question 11:
A custom field has been added to the Work Order Tracking application to identify the inspector for the environmental impacts of each work order.
What type of role is used to assign the work order to the environmental inspector?
A. Person
B. Person Group
C. A set of data related to the record
D. A set of data related to the login user
Correct Answer: A
Question 12:
A supervisor is required to report actual work hours by work order number.
With which statuses can this be accomplished? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer: AB
Question 13:
A fixed-schedule PM needs to be set up.
What other setting needs to be selected in addition to the frequency value?
A. Alert Lead (DAYS) must equal 0
B. Alert Lead (DAYS) must be greater than 0
C. Use Last Work Order\’s Start Date to Calculate the Next Due Date? checked
D. Use Last Work Order\’s Start Date to Calculate the Next Due Date? unchecked
Correct Answer: C
Reference: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSLL8M_7.5.0/com.ibm.nuc.doc/pluspm/ c_pm_frequency_schedules.html
Question 14:
A company has a requirement to have items in the storerooms to be reordered automatically.
How can this be achieved?
A. Reorder Escalation
B. Reorder Cron Task
C. Reorder?Reorder Items
D. Reorder Direct Issue Items/Services
Correct Answer: C
Question 15:
A company has a requirement to share calendar, classification, job plan, item description, and PM data. What needs to be created?
A. Single organization, single-site environment
B. Multiple organizations with a shared site environment
C. Multiple organizations with one site per organization environment
D. Multiple organizations with multiple sites per organization environment
Correct Answer: A
The leads4pass C2010-555 dumps are the ideal C2010-555 exam training material to pass the IBM C2010-555 exam easily using the latest C2010-555 dumps https://www.leads4pass.com/c2010-555.html (PDF+VCE).
Also, remember to practice your C2010-555 exam questions. This is important for a smooth passage.