Lead4pass C1000-100 Dumps Updated IBM C1000-100 Exam Training Material – Feb 2023

leads4pass C1000-100 dumps updated IBM C1000-100 exam training materials are important and must-have for successful C1000-100 exam passing.
leads4pass understands you, just updated the latest C1000-100 dumps https://www.leads4pass.com/c1000-100.html containing 64 new Q&A exam training materials, presented in both PDF and VCE formats, welcome to download.
Updated IBM C1000-100 Exam Questions (Free) Training Material
Question 1:
Select the unique key features of Hyper Protect Crypto Services on the IBM Cloud.
A. Built on IBM Red Hat OpenShift technology, on single-tenant key management service with key vaulting provided by dedicated customer-controlled HSM
B. Hyper Protect Crypto Services provide state-of-the-art encryption using DM-CRYPT
C. IBM Cloud administrators have no access and it provides FIPS 140-2 Level 4-certified hardware
D. Hyper Protect Crypto Services can integrate with other any other Cloud provider services so as to manage key access, log and monitor security events, and support compliance requirements
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/hs-crypto?topic=hs-crypto-overview
Question 2:
Which Cloud Pak provides a data transfer tool utilizing the FASP protocol to provide significantly faster throughput than typical FTP?
A. Cloud Pak for Integration
B. Cloud Pak for Migration
C. Cloud Pak for Automation
D. Cloud Pak for Applications
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/cloud-pak-for-integration/high-speed-data-transfer
Question 3:
A customer has defined a requirement to enable all virtual server instances in the proposed VPC to be able to access automatic operating system updates via the Internet. What is required to provide this functionality?
A. The pre-defined Automatic Updates Security Group must be enabled
B. Each server must have a Floating IP address
C. Each subnet must have a Public Gateway
D. A subscription to the IBM Auto Update proxy service
Correct Answer: B
Reference: https://ondeck.console.cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=solution-tutorials-vpc-public-app-privatebackend
Question 4:
In order to provide a highly resilient and highly available network with ECMP and diversity connections to IBM Cloud, how many Direct Link circuits should be recommended?
A. 4
B. 2
C. 6
D. 3
Correct Answer: B
Reference: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/direct-link?topic=direct-link-faqs
Question 5:
What is a key requirement of resilient architecture?
A. High rate of resource utilization
B. Low rate of resource utilization
C. High tolerance level for interruption
D. Low tolerance level for interruption
Correct Answer: D
Question 6:
Which of the following IBM Cloud services is integrated with Certificate Manager?
A. IBM Bare Metal Server
B. Red Hat OpenStack on IBM Cloud
C. IBM Cloud for Power Solutions
D. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/announcements/use-ibm-cloud-certificate-manager-ibm-cloudcontainer-service-deploy-custom-domain-tls-certificates
Question 7:
What\’s the correct architectural network topology in IBM Cloud?
A. VPC > Zone > Region > Subnet
B. VPC > Region > Zone > Subnet
C. Region > VPC > Zone > Subnet
D. Region > Zone > VPC > Subnet
Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc-on-classic?topic=vpc-on-classic-about
Question 8:
A Dialog Skill in Watson Assistant can make a web service call via which of the following?
A. Message queue
B. SOAP Endpoint
C. Web service definition language
D. Webhook
Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/assistant?topic=assistant-dialog-webhooks
Question 9:
In the context of the Key Protect service, which of the following statements is correct?
A. Key Protect allows you to manage keys as well as SSL/TLS Digital Certificates
B. Key Protect allows you to import keys for other Clouds
C. Key Protect allows you to manage service accounts
D. Key Protect allows you to create a new key or import your own key (BYOK)
Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/architecture/architectures/securityArchitecture/security-for-data/
Question 10:
Which file extension does the LogDNA agent monitor by default?
A. .logdna
B. .log
C. .varlog
D. .logvar
Correct Answer: B
Reference: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/Log-Analysis-with-LogDNA?topic=Log-Analysis-with-LogDNAlogdna_agent
Question 11:
Which two of the following can be managed by IBM Cloud SSL Certificates? (Choose two.)
A. Self-signed SSL certificates
B. SSL certificates ordered in IBM Cloud
C. SSL certificates not imported into IBM Cloud
D. SSL certificates imported into IBM Cloud
E. Certificate Service Requests (CSR)
Correct Answer: DE
Question 12:
Which statement describes a key-value database?
A. Each item in the database is encrypted with public-key cryptography
B. Each item in the database is stored in a column named key with values in each row
C. Each item in the database is a document with lists of key-value pairs
D. Each item in the database is stored as an attribute name (referred to as a key) with its corresponding value
Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/brief-overview-database-landscape
Question 13:
Which are two benefits of IBM Cloud Functions? (Choose two.)
A. Visual debugging
B. Scale up or down automatically
C. Based on Kubernetes
D. Focus on code, not infrastructure
E. Out-of-the-box connectors to several databases
Correct Answer: BD
Question 14:
What is one of IBM\’s Operational Responsibilities for managing the IBM Cloud Object Storage Service?
A. Monitor and manage service health and availability
B. Provision and manage the VSIs required to serve the data using NFS
C. Ensure data backup if necessary
D. Monitor and restore data backups
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-object-storage?topic=cloud-object-storage-responsibilities
Question 15:
When all objects stored in IBM Cloud Object Storage are encrypted using Server-Side Encryption with Customer Provided Keys (SSE-C), how are read and write object requests sent?
A. Send the required encryption information as part of SSL requests
B. Have their requested UID/PWD verified prior to the HTTP request flow
C. Send encryption information as part of UID/PWD verification
D. Send the required encryption information as headers in the HTTP requests only
Correct Answer: A
The leads4pass C1000-100 dumps are the ideal C1000-100 exam training material to pass the IBM C1000-100 exam easily using the latest C1000-100 dumps 2023 https://www.leads4pass.com/c1000-100.html (PDF+VCE).
Also, remember to practice your C1000-100 exam questions. This is important for a smooth passage.