Latest Lead4pass C2090-101 Dumps For IBM C2090-101 Training Materials Updated Sep 2022

Start your IBM C2090-101 exam preparation with the latest C2090-101 dumps. The leads4pass C2090-101 dumps update the IBM C2090-101 training material with 106 new questions, and with it, you’ll easily pass the C2090-101 exam.
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Question 1:
Which statement is TRUE concerning optimizing the load performance?
A. You can improve the performance by increasing the number of map tasks assigned to the load
B. When loading large files the number of files that your load does not impact the performance of the LOAD HADOOP statement
C. You can improve the performance by decreasing the number of map tasks that are assigned to the load and adjusting the heap size
D. It is advantageous to run the LOAD HADOOP statement directly pointing to large files located in the host file system as opposed to copying the files to the DFS prior to load
Correct Answer: A
Reference: doc/bigsql_loadperf.html
Question 2:
Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the use of Data Click to load data into BigInsights? (Choose two.)
A. Big SQL cannot be used to access the data moved in by Data Click because the data is in Hive
B. You must import metadata for all sources and targets that you want to make available for Data Click activities
C. Connections from the relational database source to HDFS are discovered automatically from within Data Click
D. Hive tables are automatically created every time you run an activity that moves data from a relational database into HDFS
E. HBase tables are automatically created every time you ran an activity that moves data from a relational database into HDFS
Correct Answer: CE
Question 3:
Which of the following statements regarding importing streaming data from InfoSphere Streams into Hadoop is TRUE?
A. InfoSphere Streams can both read from and write data to HDFS
B. The Streams Big Data toolkit operators that interface with HDFS use Apache Flume to integrate with Hadoop
C. Streams applications never need to be concerned with making the data schemas consistent with those on Hadoop
D. Big SQL can be used to preprocess the data as it flows through InfoSphere Streams before the data lands in HDFS
Correct Answer: D
Question 4:
Which of the following is TRUE about storing an Apache Spark object in serialized form?
A. It is advised to use Java serialization over Kryo serialization
B. Storing the object in the serialized form will lead to faster access times
C. Storing the object in the serialized form will lead to slower access times
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question 5:
Which ONE of the following statements regarding Sqoop is TRUE?
A. HBase is not supported as an import target
B. Data imported using Sqoop is always written to a single Hive partition
C. Sqoop can be used to retrieve rows newer than some previously imported set of rows
D. Sqoop can only append new rows to a database table when exporting back to a database
Correct Answer: C
Question 6:
Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Spark SQL does not support HiveQL
B. Spark SQL does not support ANSI SQL
C. To use Spark with Hive, HiveQL queries have to be rewritten in Scala
D. Spark SQL allows relational queries expressed in SQL, HiveQL, or Scala
Correct Answer: D
Reference: (overview)
Question 7:
Which of the following statements regarding Big SQL is TRUE?
A. Big SQL doesn\’t support stored procedures
B. Big SQL can be deployed on a subset of data nodes in the BigInsights cluster
C. Big SQL provides a SQL-on-Hadoop environment based on map-reduce
D. Only tables created or loaded via Big SQL can be accessed via Big SQL
Correct Answer: B
Reference: +be+deployed+on+a+subset+of+data+nodes+in+the+BigInsights +clusterandsource=blandots=RBbad0Xkelandsig=pMgmgDNLGUrkvOSXoVBj64xTMgkandhl=enandsa=Xandredir_esc =y#v=onepageandq=Big%20SQL%20can%20be%20deployed%20on%20a%20subset%20of%20data% 20nodes%20in%20the% 20BigInsights%20clusterandf=false
Question 8:
The number of partitions created by DynamicPartitions in Hive can be controlled by which of the following?
A. hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.per node
B. hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions
C. hive.exec.max.created.files
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: A
Question 9:
Which of the following Jaq operators groups one or more arrays based on key values and applies an aggregate expression?
A. join
B. group
C. expand
D. transform
Correct Answer: B
Reference: +operators+groups+one+or+more+arrays+based+on+key+values+and+applies+an+aggregate +expressionandsource=blandots=zobr8AZzWyandsig=ZRCIH9ee4Un3Aam1hX8TzxfrfQIandhl=enandsa=Xandredir_es c=y#v=onepageandq=Jaq%20operators%20groups%20one%20or%20more%20arrays%20based%20on% 20key%20values%20and% 20applies%20an%20aggregate%20expressionandf=false
Question 10:
Which of the following are CRUD operations available in HBase? (Choose two.)
A. HTable.Put
B. HTable.Read
C. HTable.Delete
D. HTable.Update
E. HTable.Remove
Correct Answer: AC
Question 11:
Which statement is TRUE about Big SQL?
A. The table definition can include other attributes such as the primary key or check constraints
B. When using Big SQL, the CREATE TABLE statement cannot be embedded in an application program
C. If a sub-table is being defined, the authorization ID can be either the same as the owner of the root table or an equivalent
D. When defining a staging table associated with a materialized query table, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement only work with DBADM authority
Correct Answer: D
Question 12:
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding search visualization with Apache Hue?
A. Hue submits MapReduce jobs to Oozie
B. No additional setup is required to secure your session cookies
C. Hue applications require some code to be installed on the client
D. The File Browser application allows you to perform keyword searches across your Hadoop data
Correct Answer: A
Question 13:
Does a Resilient Distributed Dataset support which of the following?
A. Creating a new dataset from an old one
B. Returning a computed value to the driver program
C. Both “Creating a new dataset from an old one” and “Returning a computed value to the driver program”
D. Neither “Creating a new dataset from an old one” nor “Returning a computed value to the driver program”
Correct Answer: C
Reference: (RDD operations)
Question 14:
In order for an SPSS Modeler stream to be incorporated for use in an InfoSphere Streams application leveraging SPSS Modeler Solution Publisher, you need to:
A. add a Type node
B. insert any Output node
C. add a Table node as the terminal node
D. Make the terminal node a scoring branch
Correct Answer: D
Question 15:
Which of the following Hive data types is directly supported in Big SQL without any changes?
Correct Answer: B
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With the latest C2090-101 dumps and the latest C2090-101 training materials, you should know how important it is for the IBM Big Data C2090-101 exam. So, use the leads4pass C2090-101 dumps to prepare for the exam.