Lead4pass C9510-418 Dumps Updated IBM C9510-418 Exam Training Material – Dec 2022

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Free C9510-418 Real Exam Questions and Answers
Question 1:
Assuming there are no custom properties defined in the current plugin-cfg.xml file, what should be done before running the GenPluginCfg command?
A. Delete the global plugin-cfg.xml in the /config/cells directory.
B. Delete the current plugin-cfg.xml in the /config/cells directory.
C. Clear the Enable automated web server configuration processing option in the web server plugin configuration service.
D. Use either the Integrated Solutions Console or the ConfigurewebServerDefinition. jail script to create a web server definition.
Correct Answer: B
Delete the plugin-cfg.xml file in the profile_root/config/cells directory before you use the GenPluginCfg command. Otherwise, configuration changes do not persist in the plugin-cfg.xml file. However, do not delete the plugin-cfg.xml file if you have custom properties that you previously set in it that you need to persist.
Note: You can update the global plugin-cfg.xml file using the administrative console or running the GenPluginCfg command for all of the clusters in a cell. However, you must delete the config/cells/plugincfg.xml file before you update the global plugin-cfg.xml file. If you do not delete the config/cells/plugincfg.xml file, only the new properties and their values are added to the global plugin-cfg.xml file. Any updates to existing plug-in property values are not added to the global plugin-cfg.xml file.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/ ae/rxml_genplugincfg1.html
Question 2:
An administrator installs IBM WebSphere Application Server and an HTTP server, but when configuring the environment, the administrator finds that the WebSphere Plug-in is missing.
Which tool can be used to fix this issue?
A. Customization Tool Box
B. IBM Installation Manager
C. Profile Management Tool
D. Integrated Solutions Console
Correct Answer: D
In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, the web server is represented as a specific server type, and you can view or modify all of the configuration properties used in the plugin-cfg.xml file for the web server plug-in from the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSHRKX_8.0.0/plan/plan_ihs.html
Question 3:
How can an administrator deploy or update an EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file to an application server or cluster in a development environment?
A. Place the file in the monitored directory.
B. Place the file in the operating system-defined temporary directory.
C. Place the file in the operating system-defined user home directory for the user that owns the Java process.
D. Email the file to [email protected], where hotname.com is the host of the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Correct Answer: A
You can install an enterprise application file on an application server or cluster by dragging or copying an enterprise archive (EAR), web application archive (WAR), Java archive (JAR), or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) archive (SAR) to a monitored directory.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/ ae/trun_app_install_dragdrop.html
Question 4:
An administrator notices that the Message Driven Beans (MDBs) are slow to complete, and decides to increase the `Maximum concurrent MDB invocations per endpoint\’.
Which thread pool should be tuned to ensure it can run the maximum number of MDBs without waiting?
A. Default
B. WebContainer
D. WMQJCAResourceAdapter
Correct Answer: D
The thread pool WMQJCAResourceAdapter is referenced by the WebSphere MQ (WMQ) resource adapter inbound delivery to MDB\’s. When the WebSphere MQ resource adapter is used in conjunction with the activation specs, the resource adapter\’s Work Manager uses the values defined for the WMQJCAResourceAdapter for utilizing the total number of threads defined.
Ideally, the default values provided for the WMQJCAResourceAdapter will be sufficient for the resource adapter. But in case there is a heavy load on the system processing a huge number of messages, you can increase the maximum number of threads the thread pool can hold.
Reference: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21383363
Question 5:
What does the JVM com.ibm. WebSphere.alarmthreadmonitor.generate.javacore JVM argument do?
A. Creates a java core dump when a thread is hung
B. Generates a Trace message that a java core should be generated
C. Generates a SystemOut message that a java core should be generated
D. Allows the administrator to choose whether or not to generate a java core when a hang is detected
Correct Answer: A
If you want to monitor the activity of threads on which system alarms execute, add the following JVM generic arguments to the server settings. -Dcom.ibm.Websphere.alarmthreadmonitor.generate.java core
Set to any value to cause a java core dump to be created when a hung system alarm thread is detected. The threads section of the java core dump can be analyzed to determine what the reported thread and other related threads are doing.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/
Question 6:
What is one of the benefits of using a federated repository over a user registry?
A. Does not support identity profiles
B. Supports only one registry in a realm
C. Supports multiple registries within a realm
D. Provides account and password policy support
Correct Answer: C
Federated repositories enable you to use multiple repositories with WebSphere.Application Server. These repositories, which can be file-based repositories, LDAP repositories, or a sub-tree of an LDAP repository, are defined and theoretically combined under a single realm. All of the user repositories that are configured under the federated repository functionality are invisible to WebSphere Application Server.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/ ae/cwim_fedrepos.html
Question 7:
Which statement describes the capabilities of the deployment manager?
A. Logical grouping of application servers
B. Created and installed when a node is federated into a cell
C. Created automatically when an application server is federated into a cell
D. Manages nodes, node agents, and the configuration repository for the cell
Correct Answer: D
The deployment manager is an administration application that runs in a special application server, which is created when you install the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment product or when you create a management profile using the deployment manager profile template.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/ ae/tagt_snsdply_is.html
Question 8:
When verbose Garbage Collection is enabled, in which file(s) does the operating system collect the data?
A. trace.log
B. activity.log
C. SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log
D. native_stdout.log and native_stderr.log
Correct Answer: D
Depending on the operating system in use, the verbose GC output will be written to the following file by default: AIX, Linux, or Windows: native_stderr.log Solaris or HP-UX native_stdout.log
Reference: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21114927
Question 9:
When setting up high availability settings for the web server, at what level should an administrator configure the custom properties?
A. cell
B. node
C. server
D. node agent
Correct Answer: C
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_8.5.5/ com.ibm.websphere.nd.multiplatform.doc/ae/xrun_jvm.html
Question 10:
Through what protocol can a Java client directly access EJBs running on an application server?
Correct Answer: D
Provided that it uses the correct protocols (SOAP, HTTP, WSDL), any web service client can access a stateless session bean, whether or not the client is written in the Java programming language. The client doesn’t even “know” what technology implements the service: stateless session bean, JAX-WS, or some other technology. In addition, enterprise beans and web components can be clients of web services. This flexibility enables you to integrate Java EE applications with web services.
Reference: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gipjf.html
Question 11:
What is the benefit of using the IBM Extended Cache Monitor?
A. It invalidates cacheids.
B. It displays the contents of the cache instances.
C. It displays the contents of object cache instances.
D. It displays the dependency ids of the cache instances.
Correct Answer: C
The IBM Extended Cache Monitor for IBM WebSphere Application Server provides you with two functions that are not available with the cache monitor that is supplied with WebSphere Application Server. These two functions enable you to: display the contents of object cache instances and display the Dynamic Cache mbean statistics for cache instances
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/downloads/cache_monitor.html
Question 12:
Which two methods are used for communicating session linkages between the client and the server? (Choose two.)
A. Cookies
B. LTPA Token
C. Rest Services
D. URL Rewriting
E. HTTP Response codes
Correct Answer: CE
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a lightweight framework for designing applications that use
HTTP to make calls. REST uses HTTP to perform the Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD)
operations between client and server.
Applications interact with the services by using HTTP, POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE operations.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSZLC2_7.0.0/
Question 13:
Which statement describes the functionality of web containers?
A. Web containers forward EJB requests to the EJB container.
B. Web containers process JSPs, servlets, and various server-side objects.
C. Servlets requests are forwarded from an EJB container to a web container.
D. Each application server can contain multiple web containers, depending upon the number of JSPs and servlets.
Correct Answer: B
The runtime environment for Web components is called the Web container. It processes servlets, JSP files, and other types of server-side components.
Reference: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpapers/pdfs/redp4309.pdf
Question 14:
Which of the following is required for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) enablement within an HTTP server?
B. A valid, issued certificate
C. IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)
D. Updating the https.conf file and not the httpd.conf file
Correct Answer: B
The keyman GUI, which is included within the IBM HTTP Server distribution, can be used to create a key database file (for example key.kdb) needed to store personal server certificates required by the client browser during an SSL handshake.
Incorrect Answers:
D: Enable SSL directives within the IBM HTTP Server\’s configuration file (httpd. conf)
Reference: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21179559#step3
Question 15:
What data source property can an administrator configure to minimize the chances of encountering StaleConnectionExceptions?
A. Minimum connections = 0
B. Reap Timeout < Unused Timeout
C. Purge Policy = FailingConnectionOnly
D. Unused Timeout > Half firewall timeout
Correct Answer: A
The configuration options below help minimize the chances of encountering StaleConnectionExceptions by helping to ensure that your WebSphere Application Server maintains control of database connections, specifically, the only one closing them, rather than other components in your network: The data source MIN connections should be set to 0. By setting a MIN > 0, you are telling the application server that this number of connections will be valid for the life of the application server JVM. Unless you can guarantee the MIN number of connections will never be timed out or dropped, setting a MIN will cause
a StaleConnectionException when the connection becomes invalid.
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/aimsupport/entry/ websphere_application_server_staleconnectionexceptions?lang=en
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